Say no to early marriage,
small family happy family.
Early marriage is a no, no
Small family happy family.
Aguy wishes to spread these words with all his heart, mind, body and soul.
Human population has taken charge of the whole planet earth and is killing and eating up all other life forms, whether to occupy all the space that is left, or to eat and satisfy own palate.
Humanity itself is also suffering now because of over population, lack of resources, materialism, and consumption habits, good or bad, with hardly any good in it now.
Thus Aguy leaves his home to travel around in his country to spread this message of no early marriages, and small family happy family. But he meets stiff resistance everywhere. Some even say that they need a large family to enhance their religion. Aguy says what will religion do if there’s poverty and no resources left. A few agree with Aguy and that makes him really happy. His quest appears worthwhile. One day, what happens is that a few unruly elements start chasing Aguy…..