Chapter 7 : nCoV 2019

Have I got the above spelling right?
Does it really matter?
I am definitely not giving an exam out here to get a doctor’s degree.
But one thing is for sure.
I believe in God’s plan, God Almighty, Nature cure, Ayurved, Homeopathy, and a lot of Allopathy also.
Yes I also do believe in a few medicines or magic pills that are allopathic.
What I don’t believe is an overdose of any of these medicines.

I must say here some of MBBS and MDs are my friends also.
And we also do have friendly arguments over my beliefs.

What I don’t believe is a house arrest of patients, let alone a bed arrest, as they do so much in private hospitals all the time.

Allow me to state my reasons here.
Even common cold and cough, and Flu were always contagious, communicable and infectious.
So what’s so new about all this suddenly?

Secondly, in lockdowns all over the world and generally in poor and developing countries, there are so many poor and slum areas.
In a lockdown, these poor and slums have been so crammed up with people, men, women, children, elderly that the whole purpose of social distancing is defeated.
If these crammed up people go on the roads or streets, the police and the military have been given unenviable task of chasing them or even to beat people up with sticks or whatever.
These paramilitary forces or police are helpless also, as these are the orders being given out by governments in many countries because of panic and fear factors.