Chapter 21 : Unanswered unanswered

In poor or developing countries, people stuck on roadsides in lockdowns, if they die, would you put them in category of Covid-19 death?
Death due to dehydration, lack of care or food, over medications or wrong medications, guesswork medications, can you put all these in Corona deaths?

If hospital staff or a doctor, or a police official falls sick due to stress, hard work, inadequate nutrition, do you say the number of sick patients because of C19 has shot up?

What about sickness and death due to other diseases?
Are they giving these numbers also everyday?
Where’s the true comparison?
Have people stopped dying due to any other reason?

Yes some of chapters appear to be repetitions. I don’t care. Aren’t they repeating the same thing on TV 24 by 7 and brainwashing us, and themselves?
I don’t blame them. They are doing it in good faith and they genuinely believe they are serving society which they are. May God bless everyone.