Chapter 3 : nCoV 2019

They say it started somewhere in China in mid winters and Wuhan in a Chinese district was named the epicenter.
Starting in November December, some even say the virus was developed in China and soon went out of hand and couldn’t be controlled.

Well if you ask me, only God Almighty has this power of life and death.
Nobody else can ever have this power.
Tomorrow they may say China has been able to conquer death also will you believe that?
No way.
All life forms life and death are copyright of one and only God, and if somebody says otherwise, this theory just can’t have any merit.

China is also trying to clear it’s name by exporting testing kits to countries that are accepting these, though there have been questions on Chinese quality of the testing kits also.
But one thing can be said that if China did it on purpose, it would never offer masks, testing kits, or equipments to overcome all this.
All countries can’t blame China and also continue export import business with it at the same time.