Chapter 1 : Covid-19

Nature Cure too has no side effects whatsoever on human body and advocates permanent lifestyle changes for a healthy recovery.
In fact I will rate Nature Cure as numero uno in comparison to all other treatments.
Homeopathy, Ayurved, Acupressure, Acupuncture are not so bad either and can be given a very good try as alternative options.

In a modern allopathy hospital, we may be confined to a bed with quite a few computer wires attached to us and monitoring us, in a strictly air conditioned room or ward, that may be far away from fresh air, sunlight, walking and exercise.
Nature cure will have none of this.
First and foremost, a naturopath will make you get some fresh air, sunlight, yogic exercises, and even a few mud therapies if required.
They also advise to depend more on fruits, salads and freshly cooked vegetables.

On the other hand, allopathy relies on a whole lot of drugs and medicines, with side effects that are inevitable.
Though I am not discounting allopathic medicines altogether.
Some of these are wonder drugs or magic pills, but it’s the overdose of drugs that I am against.

Secondly, surgeries are becoming so common now-a-days and I don’t trust this.
This is a problem with modern medicals and this is a problem with me too exactly and precisely.