This is so very important. There are so many low expense options now ever than before. You must have your today’s fun list always ready in your purse or pocket, or as a note or draft in your email or mobile phone.
It may read anything like this –
When I have completed my job for the day, I am going to indulge myself in any of the following:
TV- We can always give it some limited time
Music- I will surely listen to my favourite artists
Movie- If you have a good CD, DVD, or recording, you can always watch it in parts without sitting for a full 2 hours.
Drawing, painting, or playing your favorite instrument e.g. harmonium, tabla, casio, guitar, piano, or any other that you like or have learnt to play.
Charity- Yes, charity that we don’t advertise or boast to others is a great soother for our rattled nerves, anytime.
Sports- Cricket, football, tennis, swimming to name a few, or just going walking, or sitting and meditating with elements of nature.
The list can be endless. You can subtract, or add more as you like or dislike.
And it’s always better that all of these remain low expense options, easy on the pocket.