Population, paper, and plastics are destroying the earth.
Human population has taken over the planet, and is covering up all nooks and corners.
This is like a catastrophe and doom for thousands of other species.
All the nations of the earth should get together to control this.
Material consumption of human beings is increasing so much every minute that we crave and buy things we may not even need, and that’s how a country’s GDP is calculated.
The progress of a country or region is measured by economic turnover, and not by environment yardstick.
To discuss environment and ecology, regular meetings and useless conferences are held by our dear world leaders in expensive suits, and five star hotels, traveling in chartered planes, and limousine convoys.
Paper is another reason for wrecking up our one and only planet for the simple reason that paper comes from trees, forests, and industrial chemical treatment.
We all need to work towards a paperless digital society where all knowledge and documents, and bills are shared digitally e.g. mobile phones and computers.
Plastic is not far behind in all this. We need to use plastic sparingly and judiciously.
Plastic should also be used and reused many times over, and the leftovers should be recycled at all cost.