Any sports nobody looses till the last minute? Or last second? Or last one tenth of a second as in a 100 meters race…..
Come to think of it. Even a looser doesn’t loose simply because he was there competing with courage, hope and enthusiasm. As for those who only like to give brickbats to somebody who looses, they are the real loosers as they only know how to comment from sidelines. They can never enter the erena, can they?
Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French educator, historian and sports enthusiast, was instrumental in restarting Olympics after many years, as he believed in healthy competition, and not just winning.
Coubertin expressed this ideal thus:
L’important dans la vie ce n’est point le triomphe, mais le combat, l’essentiel ce n’est pas d’avoir vaincu mais de s’être bien battu.
The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle, the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.