I am fascinated and impressed

I am fascinated by smallest vehicles that take you from here to there in hardly any time.

Not the bigger variety of bmw, mercs, audis, simply because the big clan and variety of cars are not helping the planet in any way whatsoever, except that they are inflating our egos no end. They certainly do provide jobs and salaries to millions but that’s just about it. The smaller variety of cars, scooties, motor cycles, bicycles do floor me every now and then, as they’re excellent in commuting, save us time and energy and money, and give jobs to a much bigger section of society. They’re easy on our one and only planet, and improving so much with every passing day and moment. Hats off to this smallest variety of movers and shakers.

What’s the big deal in it? Well, do we want to save earth or not? If yes then this is the only way and not that rolls roy……. So the smaller, the better, for God sake. The bigger lot, please forgive me. Hope you also design the smallest beauty to boast about someday.