We have to do so little to make it all nice and good, and make the earth beautiful again.
We just have to stop using our private big cars, and we have to use public transport system again and again.We have to stop using disposable plastic glass, spoon, plates, bottles no matter what.We have to make minimum garbage.
We have to clean up all our lakes, sea beaches and water bodies as a hobby.
We have to plant one huge tree at least, or take care of one tree at least as a personal friend.
We have to use a cycle also sometimes, or walk more and more.We should depend less and less on air conditioning.
We have to minimize use of paper and wood to save trees, environment and eco system.
We don’t have to waste food and beverages, and use minimum of pesticides and insecticides in our farms.It’s all so easy if we have environment and eco system classes and discussions in our schools and colleges, instead of having useless subjects and studies.