Why I am against

Why am I against too many blood tests and annual check ups?
This is just my opinion and you can take it or leave it.
Nature and God took greatest care to put your heart, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, blood, blood veins and nerves, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, bones, muscles etc in most perfect places, and sewd your body up seamlessly, with the most perfect skin color white, brown or black, just for you.
Don’t let anybody disturb this arrangement of you and your body.
Be proud of what you have and be good.
That’s all.

With all due respect to all of them, modern medical science and private hospitals are misusing their knowledge and wisdom to do most unnecessary blood tests, body check ups, and so many different tests, that defy or go against the principles of God and nature, according to my view and feeling.
They are also now doing so many useless operations and surgeries that may not be required in the first place.
On the slightest pretext they will put you in ICU, tie you up with needles and pipes, and monitor your heart beats on a computer for as many days you are paying their bills.

If you trust me, I would request you to trust nature and God Almighty, and save yourself from rich private hospitals as much as you can.
Leave your heart beat monitoring and counting to the super computer already in place in heavens, put up by the greatest engineer of this universe and cosmos.

You can take some medications if you must, at your home also.
That’s not a problem.
And as I said earlier, this is just my opinion and you can take it or leave it.