Silly Point

Our meditation is useless if we do not care for the environment.
Here’s a silly point that I wish to make, though its not all that silly, and a lot of you may find it as a very important and useful piece of information.
The reason I call it silly is because so many of us don’t even think that these problems exist, and all of us are indeed responsible for the deteriorating environment.

Soap, detergent, shaving foam, shampoo, utensils cleaning agents, all of these items are being used in huge and more than necessary quantities, and are destroying the environment.
These things are used with water and poison it more and more.
Then they are allowed to flow into drains, rivers, streams, lakes, seas, and finally the oceans.
The only proven way is to reduce their use consciously and voluntarily, increase taxes on these items to subdue their use, manufacture these items with less and less concentrated power and potency, and dilute them with treatment plants and machinery before they flow into streams, rivers and oceans.