Your Socializing Quotient

Now, how exactly do you measure
your socializing quotient, for example in India?
Well I can speak more easily from
an Indian point of view
because I am an Indian obviously,
but I guess rules are the same all over the world.

If you allow me to speak of myself,
I will say that my socializing quotient
is a very low one indeed
simply because of the fact
that I just don’t enjoy socializing too much.

When people ask me to meet up
or catch up sometimes,
I would generally say that
I am not very social
and they would just laugh it off.
But there’s at least one thing good about me
that I can boast of nonchalantly.
I tend to meet people more often
when they may be undergoing through
a bad, difficult, rough, or sticky situation.
Sadly, the same cannot be said about
most of the world residents.